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The group activity guide 2024


A brand new “à la carte” deal for visitors

A show under the Radôme, visits to exhibitions on the history of telecommunications, about the human voice or the digital world, a guided tour on your own bus, a high-tech outdoor game… for your visit, you can now put together your own entirely personalised schedule to suit your own preferences!

Many themes to discover


Spectacle son et lumière sous le RadômeTHE SHOW UNDER THE RADÔME (30 MINS)

A fascinating sound and light show under the huge white bubble of the Radôme. Thrills and excitement guaranteed, in a venue which is truly unique and steeped in history!





Circuit commenté à bord de votre carTHE GUIDED TOUR ON YOUR OWN BUS (30 MINS)

A chance to hear some remarkable anecdotes and surprising facts about the construction of the Radôme in 1962.




Le Murmure des mondesTHE MURMUR OF THE WORLD (30 MINS)

Relive the 150-year history of telecommunications through this audiovisual projection on giant screens, and discover the men and inventions behind the construction of our communication society.





An incredible journey through time and technologies on over 3000 m² of exhibition space, featuring a new and highly original layout.



Mission gpsTHE GPS MISSION (60 MINS)

Divided into teams, you must try to decipher a secret message. But the route has lots of pitfalls… A high-tech treasure hunt providing a fun, interactive approach to the world of telecoms and GPS.




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